
Character Separated Value Organizer Language, or CSVOL (\kasväl\), is a scripted JVM language meant for managing CSV datasets.

CSVOL was created by Abir Haque and William Kieu for a three-week-long programming language jam. Abir Haque continued development after the competition for further polishing. Development of CSVOL ended 12 December 2020.

CSVOL 21 is the final version of CSVOL. Videos on CSVOL 21 are on Abir Haque's YouTube channel.

CSVOL 0 GUI spreadsheet:

CSVOL for Repl.it file server:

Current Features

Asides from baseline features like creating/editing/printing file contents, looping, conditional statements, and math operators, the current features of CSVOL include

- Importable online libraries (SOL)
- Online file downloading/syncing
- Additional REPL environment
- Speech synthesis (with the CSVOL Voice library)
- GUI spreadsheet (with the CSVOL Display library)
- CSVOL script modularization
- File name and line number error reporting

Developed and maintained by Abir Haque.